New FreeTB E-Mail Series: The Annals of BTB! (Wait, What?)

Hello fellow trumpeter and BTB reader,

As you may be aware, BTB releases an annual “Year-In-Review” post to start each new year. The Year-In-Review is a big-picture account of what paid off in the practice room the previous year – as well as what didn’t.

Since these posts are basically an outline of the best things I’ve learned through trial-and-error, you may find some motivation in them for your own trumpet practice. And having the past five years worth of reviews sent directly to your inbox is a pretty convenient way to digest the info.

Plus, it’s been pretty neat to go back and get a bird’s-eye view of what learning to improve your trumpet playing looks like over a five-year period

Within a few minutes of signing up with a valid e-mail address you will receive the first Year-In-Review (2014), and the following in one week intervals. That’s five e-mails sent over the course of five weeks. If that proves to be too many, simply unsubscribe and you’re home free.

Drop Your Questions and Comments Here!