Dear Trumpet Player,
You sure that’s the right note?
Start you 30-day money-back trial of ‘Ear-Training for Trumpeters!’
Ah, the trumpet.
Unlike the piano – which plays exactly the note it’s supposed to when you press any given key (and no other) – the trumpet is an instrument where you can play just about any note with any valve combination!
This is because the sounds the trumpet wails out are produced in the body. And without clearly hearing what the next note is supposed to sound like, the odds are not in your favor of hitting the right one.
Because of this, relative pitch training is a vital aspect of confident and consistent trumpet playing. Yet, more ‘technical’ practice is often prioritized. But make no mistake, learning to better hear the next note will likely do your playing a lot more good than that next page of lip slurs.
The good news is that when it comes to accurately hearing the next note, there isn’t much to learn. Western music uses only twelve individual notes. Each of those notes can only travel twelve distances within an octave. These distances are called intervals and each has a unique, predictable sound. Knowing these sounds – and the note combinations that create them – means being able to think, read and write music – without an instrument.
Therefore, to help you bridge this gap, BTB is pleased to release ‘Ear-Training for Trumpeters;’ a self-paced, step by step and graduated approach to learning the chromatic intervals so that it actually makes a difference to your playing. That means instant, thoughtless and accurate identification – regardless of musical context.
Plus, it only takes 15 minutes a day and once you’ve got it, the results are yours to keep for a lifetime.
Check Out: ‘Ear-Training for Trumpeters‘