This discussion of a wet vs. dry embouchure is something many players never have to deal with. However, I still think it’s worth mentioning due to the fact that it’s something myself and others I have had to work through.
Dry Brass Embouchure
The basic idea of playing on a dry embouchure is that dry lips naturally have more friction between the skin around the lips and the rim of the mouthpiece. This friction leads to an increased grip while using less physical strength from the embouchure muscles. Think of a rock climber using chalk on their hands. The chalk helps then grip on to the rock face much more securely than if they were climbing on a wet, slippery surface. Doing so would take a tremendous amount of forearm and hand strength to maintain any sort of grip on the ledge. In other words, a dry embouchure needs to work less to stay in contact with the mouthpiece. This can facilitate an easier upper register at first, and some younger players – my high school self included – figure this out somewhere along the way. unfortunately, this habit quickly becomes a crutch which needs to be remedied later in our playing careers. If you catch your students doing this – stop them.
Wet Brass Embouchure (Non-Dried)
A wet (or non-dried) brass embouchure therefore requires greater strength in the embouchure muscles to maintain each pitch. This may be more challenging initially, but in my opinion if you don’t take the time to develop in this way you are holding yourself back.
By doing so, you get stronger chops. That’s a good thing. And you aren’t always going to have enough time to dry your chops and reset your mouthpiece in between phrases. Plus, if you start sweating, you’re screwed.
I played completely dry in high school and college. After all this time switching to a wet embouchure was a real pain in the ass. Not only was the embouchure getting worn out much more quickly, I was also dealing with the psychological tension of worrying about hitting the right notes all along the way. Ultimately, this change proved to be a good thing – improving our weaknesses tends to have that effect – and I learned to focus on other aspects of playing rather than my chops (aka the sound of each note, relaxed breathing, etc).
A wet setting is also a real blessing when you’re doing a lot of in-your-face, balls-to-the-wall playing on gigs. The moisture between your chops and mouthpiece seems to act as a lubricant which helps prevent cutting or bruising the lips. I found that when I first made the switch I would be drooling all over myself in the upper register but as I continued to gain control the skin stayed dryer while playing.
Bonus: Comfort on Wet Chops Means Better Dance Moves On Stage
If you’re doing horn moves it also helps to stick your tongue in the mouthpiece before putting in on your lips. This prevents you from smashing your teeth out. However, you need to be comfortable on a wet setting. 🙂
In Conclusion
If you’re stuck wiping your lips every time you take the horn off your face, the sooner you decide to quit doing that the better. If you’re gig is on the line, do what you gotta do. But if you’re mainly practicing at home you owe it to yourself to learn how to play on a wet setting.
I play the trombone but I find that after playing low notes for a little bit my mouthpiece gets very wet and I am not able to play basically anything because my mouth slides around the mouthpiece. Do you know a way for me to get used to this or just prevent it?
Thank you.
Keep at it – eventually the embouchure will strengthen enough to hold the chops in position with the mouthpiece. Also, it’s ok to wipe the rim of the mouthpiece and chops if they get too wet, but it can be a crutch down the line if you rely on it too much. Hope that helps a bit! – James
How do I switch to a wet embouchure? I play with a dry embouchure and I continuly have to wipe my mouthpiece to get a good buzz. What should I do to fix this?
Hi Aiden,
My best advice is just stop drying your chops in practice. Get used to the low notes first. It’ll take a while, but any degree to which you’re capable of playing wet will help overall. It was useful for me to practice in the pedal register on wet chops. Good luck and have fun!