March 2015 Practice Update: Bright Spots, Video and Full Free eBook Chapter!

Hello dearest readers and loyal fans,

It’s me, your fearless writer, James.

Let’s start by giving a shout-out to Jason Levi. Jason plays the trumpet (quite well I might add) and he left this comment in a recent post:

“I would like to know what you are doing to fill 4 HOURS of time. I feel mentally exhausted and have improved and spinning my wheels after one hour usually. Also, how much of that is rest? resting time= playing time?”

Here is a brief video answering those questions. …

February 2015 Practice Update: Books, and Bright Spots

A Book Review

I recently started reading a very cool book about creating change in your life and others called Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (affiliate). We like change here – considering that’s what practice is all about.

Here’s a summary of what I’ve learned so far and later I’ll show you how I’ve applied it to practice: …

January 2015 Practice Update: Month Review and Beyond!


Hello friends – thank you all for investing your time in reading this post. I’m thinking that at the beginning of each month I’ll look back on the previous months work, determine where I am in relation to my long-term goals, and make any necessary modifications. My intention is that you can use this information to make better decisions about how you direct your own energies and hopefully offer up some creative approaches to achieving your own playing goals.


This blog is a resource for the readers. If you like the direction the posts are moving – let me know! If you want something else – Let me know!

January 2015 Basics

What I Learned from Focusing on One Skill for All (OK Most) of 2014



When you find yourself becoming a better musician it feels good. As previously discussed, a great way to accomplish this is by spending time with your weaknesses.

Just at the tail-end of 2013 I decided to get after a serious weakness of my own – my articulation. I’m not sure if it’s because I spent so much time in the south but my tongue was slow.

Reeaaaal Slow.

This being the case I hailed 2014 “The Year of the Articulation.”

Here’s how it all went down. …

Getting Your First Sounds On The Trumpet

This video describes a method of approaching playing to make tone production feel easier. Also, it’ll keep you from thinking too much. If you are a beginner, be sure to check out Trumpet Foundations (you can get there under the free lessons tab in the main menu as well). It’s a free video series aimed at helping the self-starting trumpet player.