Learn to Play High Notes w/ Lip Trills

Here’s a quick video discussing some helpful exercises for learning to play more confidently in the upper register. Lip trills are a great way to build embouchure stamina in the more taxing upper register.

Watch on YouTubeBlackwell’s Trumpet Basics #4: Learn to Play High as *&%$! – Part 2 

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8 thoughts on “Learn to Play High Notes w/ Lip Trills”

  1. Hey buddy! This is great stuff! Can’t wait to see what you come out with next! Can’t wait for the book to come out!

    1. jamesmblackwell@gmail.com

      Yo Matt,

      I have finally completed the eBook and sent a free download link to your e-mail address listed here. Please let me know if you have any problems downloading. Thanks for supporting this site. How’s the east coast treatin ya? Give me a holler one of these days.


    1. jamesmblackwell@gmail.com

      Hey Jake!

      Good to hear from you dude and glad you like the vids/articles. Give me a holler sometime and let me know what you’re up to. Peace Brutha!


    2. jamesmblackwell@gmail.com

      Yo Jake,

      Hi John,

      I have finally completed the eBook and sent a free download link to your e-mail address listed here. Please let me know if you have any problems downloading. Thanks for supporting this site! How did the One O’clock side turn out?


      1. It turned out really well I think. We recorded the way Jay did the Two o’clock albums with the sections separate (as in not as a big band but on different sides of the room). Some great solos on there too. Overall good haha. I’m heading out to LA soon. We should hang and play sometime when I get out there. Enjoying the book so far! Peace

        1. jamesmblackwell@gmail.com

          Yeah cool! I’ll have to check it out for sure when it gets released. Sounds great man, hit me up when you’re in town. It’ll be great to catch up. Blackwell

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