“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.”
-Niels Bohr (Creator of the Bohr model of the atom)
Pragmatism in Skill Acquisition
Pragmatism is the philosophical approach to problem solving where the truth of a practice or belief is determined by its successful application in practice. In other words, if it works it works. Adopting this “proof is in the pudding” approach to learning is great for getting the results you desire while learning new skills.
As intelligent human beings we sometimes get in our own way with idealist attitudes. We imagine how our end result will look in its “ideal” state and we contemplate the best course of action to get there. These idealist thoughts are not only often times unrealistic; they can lead to over analysis which tends to …
Pragmatism And Learning to Play the TrumpetRead More »