Fun Trumpet Lessons
To Keep You Inspired in the Practice Room
No need to wait years & years. Grab your trumpet & have some fun getting better today!
Enroll in the Online Trumpet Trade School now (risk-free for 45 days) to get started.

The Online Trumpet Trade School is a collection of self-paced courses for adult trumpet players of all levels.
By enrolling, you’re guaranteed to:
Get On Track
Confused about how to practice? Step-by-step guidance & playing demonstrations keep you moving in the right direction (& having fun).
Love Your Sound
Nothing’s worse than practicing without getting better. Learn the right habits to clear up your sound & reach higher notes – fast.
Stay Focused
Bouncing around on YouTube is distracting & overwhelming at best. It’s time to hunker down and make some real progress with everything you need in one place.
Four Courses... which is best for you?

Trumpet Foundations
Beginners: Build your rock-solid playing foundation from the ground up.

The Ultimate Comeback Kit
No more excuses. Get back in shape & on track with the right habits. (Looking at you, comeback players.)

Ear-training For Trumpeters
Hear a song and instantly know what the notes are. Basically magic. But real.

Trumpet Departmental
Laid-back bonus lessons for range, improvisation & everything music. I dare you not to have fun.

Ear-training For Trumpeters
Hear a song and instantly know what the notes are. Basically magic. But real.

Trumpet Departmental
Super laid-back bonus lessons for range, improvisation & everything music. I dare you not to have fun.
Are You Making The Most Of Your Practice Time?
Enroll in the Online Trade School… absolutely FREE… and learn…
- The easiest way to get your first decent sounds… a total game changer for struggling beginners… & misguided old-timers… (demonstrated in Foundations 1.4)
- Reduce mouthpiece pressure, improve your sound, range & embouchure by adding this homemade practice gizmo to your trumpet (step-by-step instructions in Foundations 1.2)
- The ten-minute practice routine for discovering your sound & getting strong chops. (I don’t know how it works, but it does… with all my students.) Check out Comeback Kit lesson 4.7
- The most important thing to practice if you want to have FUN… & get really good. (Explained in Departmental 13)
- The practice tool no musician should be without – not even you – & how exactly to use it (really drilled in from Foundations 2.2 and beyond)
- Sing a note in your head & know how to play it – the simple exercise that connects your voice to your trumpet playing (see Comeback Kit 5.2)
- How to access the upper register with ease (No B.S. Just practice in the way outlined in the Comeback Kit lessons 3.1-3.4 and 5.4)
- The one quick & easy drill (demonstrated in Departmental 6) that teaches gives you greater confidence and accuracy in all registers
- The three daily drills for an amazing sound, control and high range (it’s all very simple and takes just minutes a day… suitable for all levels). See Departmental 11
- Do (the practice outlined in Foundations 1.2) every time you pick up your horn – it only takes seconds – so playing feels easy and you always sound good!
But That’s Not All…
Most players get frustrated with their “growly” sounds and limited range. This exercise (demonstrated in Foundations 6.4) is the best and fastest way to a clear tone, easier transitions from note to note and more range.
How making a certain kind of sandwich relieves performance anxiety – seriously. And you can’t get ingredients at the grocery store (secret revealed Comeback Kit 1.1)
You only need five minutes… especially when you know exactly what to practice (examples littered throughout the Ultimate Comeback Kit)
Do the exercise (demonstrated in Foundations 2.3) for just two minutes a day to enjoy crystal clear note starts
The only two things you need to do to improvise “for real”… good for all levels… even total beginners (explained and demonstrated in Departmental 9)
You'll also learn the most common paths to trumpet-playing confusion and frustration… so you can avoid them!
BEWARE! There’s one thing players do that prevents progress – even the best of the best. But with this easy-to-use (& printable) tool you’re guaranteed to stay on track & make real gains with your playing (Download yours Comeback Kit 2.1)
BEWARE! Most players make a fatal mistake with their air – limiting their range & making playing too hard. But practice in the way outlined in Foundations 1.3 (and the Comeback Kit 3.3) and effortlessly reach higher notes.
BEWARE! If you want great chops, you cannot overlook this one simple fact. But most do – and struggle for years and years. (Avoid trumpet hell with Comeback Kit 1.1)
BEWARE! Most comebacks fail – do this (see Comeback Kit 2.1) to make yours a success.
Plus, lots, lots more…
- How to effectively brainwash yourself into having endless amounts of FUN with your trumpet playing. (Hilariously demonstrated Comeback Kit 1.1)
- The easy method for learning any song – without sheet music – and remembering it forever. (That’s what you’ll do in Foundations Week 7)
- Why it’s so hard to stick with practice routines – and the easy way to do it (that’s a hell of a lot of fun, too). Comeback Kit 2.1
- How to become one of those players that makes it look easy! (See Comeback Kit lesson 3.1-4.1)
- Get compliments on your sound with the simple practice tweak that helps you discover the “fat” part of your tone. (See Comeback Kit 4.5)
- Hear a song, know what the notes are and read music like it’s the newspaper… for all levels with no prior experience needed! (The Real-life Magic of Ear-Training for Trumpeters)
- Music theory? Don’t waste your time. Do this instead (Comeback Kit 5.2)

Your Instructor
A Grammy-winning Trumpet Nerd
After nearly three decades of playing and teaching the trumpet, there’s one thing I know for sure:
This can be one confusing instrument.
But the trumpet is also cool – especially when you start to get it. And the good news is that’s simple. How should I know? Because I’ve learned my lessons the hard way – and you can benefit from my mistakes.
See, after many years of playing (and two college degrees), I decided to really “go for it.” I tried everything I could get my hands on… read all the books… tried all the methods… studied from the best… and you know what?
Most of it was a complete waste of time.
But through all of those experiments I was able to do something special: pare down playing to a few solid fundamentals …
The kind of stuff that gets you good fast. The habits that make playing fun and easy. An approach that gives you a sound you love and the excitement of expressing yourself musically.
And now, it’s what I teach to all of my students.

Here’s How the Online Trade School Works
Enroll now, risk-free for 45 days.
Create your login (you get instructions after enrolling) and check out your Student Dashboard for the all courses and lessons.
Each course has a full outline. Pick and choose lessons as you like or start right at the beginning and go in order. Either way, you have over 200 to choose from.
Watch a lesson and then take your assignments to the practice room. (Progress and fun is guaranteed.)
If you want a refresher while practicing, re-watch a video as many times as you like. And once you’ve got it, just move to the next.
Your progress is tracked within the course (many students love this… they find it motivating) so you always know right where to pick up when you return.

Learn At Your Pace:
Re-watch videos as many times as you need to make sure you’re practicing right.
Step-by-step Instruction:
200+ bite-sized lessons. Go in order or pick and choose as the mood strikes.
Exact Practice Routines:
Gradually build your skills with updated practice assignments and checklists for every lesson.
Affordable Trumpet Lessons, World Wide
Let’s run some numbers.
A college music degree can cost you upwards of $40k to $50k. (INSANE.)
And private lessons – while well worth it if you have the dough – can easily cost $100 per hour. That’s around $200-$400 per month for a typical adult student.
But the Online Trumpet Trade School is a different kind of joint. It’s a place to make progress and have fun with your trumpet at an affordable rate.
Which is why you get full access to over 200 self-paced lessons for just $49 per month.
And that’s not even the best part …

Enroll Now, Risk-free For 45 Days
To make sure you love the lessons inside the Online Trumpet Trade School you get …
- Full access, absolutely FREE for 14 days
- Another month to try out the lessons with a full money-back guarantee
In other words, you’ve got nothing to lose. So go ahead and enroll now. You can even use the table of contents at the top of this page to find what you’re curious about and then cancel your membership before you’re charged a dime.
How’s that for risk-free?
More Trumpet Fun In Three Easy Steps
Enroll Now Free
Check out the Trade School FREE for 14 days. Cancel anytime within those two weeks and you aren’t charged a dime.
Get Inspired
Explore the lessons at your own pace – working through the courses in order or bouncing around as the mood strikes.
Love Your Playing
Feel the excitement of becoming a better trumpet player, discovering your musical voice, and loving your unique sound!
You started playing the trumpet to have fun, right? Well, why not have some fun right now with everything you
need inside the Online Trumpet Trade School.
Really, right now, before you forget.
Because that trumpet ain’t gonna play itself.